Wednesday 4 December 2013

Wire In The Blood gender homework

Camera shots: 

(0:14) A medium close up shot is used of the woman and it highlights her expression, at this moment in time she is annoyed. This represents the female gender to be over emotional because you can see from the shot that her eyes seem glossy as if they are glazed over with tears and she has a straight face to show that she is in a mood. In comparison to this the male is quite light hearted which contrasts against the woman, this represents the masculine gender to be laid back against the feminine being emotional.

(0:27) In this shot the man is placed in front of the woman and the woman is out of focus, making the male look as if he is leading and in charge. This is a representation that the masculine gender are superior and the head of situations, where as the feminine are followers and in certain aspects, looking towards the masculine and seeing them as a hero. This also represents the feminine to be dependent whereas the masculine are represented to be independent.

(0:54) There is a close up shot of the mans face which defines his facial features, from this shot you can see the man has a chiseled chin, smooth skin and short hair. He appears to have not put too much effort into his appearance, this represents those who are masculine to be quite laid back. This contrasts against the typical representation of those who are feminine who are stereotypes to wear make up and care about what they look like and make that the center of their priorities.

(1:51) There is an establishing shot of a house with a car, this doesn't contribute to the representation of gender, however it does establish where the scene will take place and makes the audience aware. This may also be seen as a master shot depending what happens during the scene, if action happens throughout the scene then this could be classed as a master shot as it has displayed the limit of action.

(2:29) There is another close up shot of another males face, this happens after he smashes a mans head against a wall causing him an injury. This close up displays his lack of emotion in comparison to the first shot I noted of the woman's face which was full of emotion. The lack of remorse represents that the masculine are laid back and uncaring. Also, due to the action, those who are masculine are represented to be tough and strong and even quite harmful.

(2:43) This master shot shows the limit of action within this scene, you can see that the 2 males are facing incapability to make popcorn and are making a mess, this represents those who are masculine to be quite useless with domestic tasks and not often performers of it, which enforces the representation that those who are feminine are suited to domestic tasks such as childcare and cooking.


In this clip cuts are the main usage was cuts which is a very quick and unnoticeable transition, which makes the program smoother for the audience to watch and therefore makes it more enjoyable as they have not used many different editing techniques.

In terms of gender representation I noticed that match on action shots had been used, for example, the man knocks the door down before assaulting the man (1:57), this shows how abrupt the man is but it also displays his strength. This represents those who are masculine to be quite rude but also strong, in this term the masculine person is using their strength for the wrong reasons.


There is non diegetic sound right at the beginning as the woman sounds upset, the music is mood music and represents the mood of the woman and how her emotions are bad which represents the feminine to over emotional and the sound displays this.

There is non diegetic music which is mood music again when the man assaults the other man, the music is quite eerie and shifty which shows that something is not quite right and that something bad has gone wrong. On this note the man did beat up the other man with use of his strength which represents the masculine to be strong and perhaps stubborn to letting things go.

There is the diegetic sound of dogs barking in the background when the man pulls up at the house after the establishing/master shot. This is a masculine representation and represents domination as the sound of the dogs barking is only heard during this tough, masculine mans entrance and there is the fact that the barking is the only thing you can hear.


(1:59) At this point you can see mainly a side table however it is the side table which contains various props for representation that is important, as for the rest of the shot the mans back just covers it. On the table firstly I noticed there was a beer bottle, beer is stereo typically a masculine drink and the opposing (the feminines) is wine, therefore the audience is aware that the place is most likely going to be full of masculine people. The screen is quite blurry so the bottle is the main thing I can see, however I see that the table is scattered, therefore messy with  contents. This is a masculine representation as those who are feminine are stereotyped to be domestic and therefore tidy, therefore due to this connotation, the audience can again assume that where this scene takes place is most likely again to be filled with masculine people.

(0:11) The woman and the man are both wearing dark colors, this represents them both to be masculine. This is in addition to the jobs that they do which is policing, this again represents them to be masculine as this field of work is considered to be for those who are tough and perhaps stubborn of the rights of the community and the world around them. The dark colors of their clothing is opposed to bright eye catching colors which a feminine person is stereotyped to wear as they are represented to only care about their looks. This proves the idea that you don't have to be a woman to be feminine and you don't have to be a man to be masculine as clearly the woman does care about something other than her looks as she cares that the man interrupted her whilst she was working, which is clearly something she is passionate about, which means stereo typically, she is represented to be masculine, technically.