Technical Terms

Age: The length of time a person has lived
Asynchronous:The sound shown on screen isn't accompanied by the visual thing
Continuity:The unbroken existence of something
Convention:A way in which something is usually done
Diegetic:A sound that occurs on screen that is natural to the characters
Editing: To prepare something for presentation by changing the initial version so it is better
Ethnicity: Belonging to a social group that has a common national or cultural tradition/
Gender: A range of physical, mental and behavioral characteristics which class you as masculine or feminine.
Genre: A category which is characterized by similarities, form, style, or subject matter.
Mise-en-scene: Everything that is in the scene.
Narrative: Story line
Non-diegetic: A sound that occurs on screen but is not heard by the characters e.g. mood music.
Propps: Theorist that believe there are set character types within narratives
Regional Identity: What you know about the region from different aspects of the scene
Representation: The way people, events and ideas are presented to us
Sexuality: Sexual orientation
Shot Type: The way a camera shot is taken
Stereotype: When people are placed into a group with expected looks and behavior.
Sub-genre: A sub category which is characterized by similarities, form, style or subject matter.
Todorov: Theorist that believed a narrative has an equilibrium, a disruption and a new equilibrium
Synchronous: The sound shown on screen is accompanied by the visual thing
Verisimilitude: Realistic narrative

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