Monday 19 May 2014

Representation of class and status - Waterloo Road

Camera Work 

The first shot used is a close up of a teenage girl wearing hoop earrings and a gold chain, which matches her to the stereotype of working class as it puts her within a subculture of those who are a moral panic,this is enforced when she is seen arguing with who the audience assume to be her boyfriend as he walks around with a gun, this being first shown with a very fast paced extreme close up of a gun, it then follows to an overhead shot, showing the damage that has been caused. This represents those of a working class to be quite destructive, a cause of moral panic, and associated with crime. An over the shoulder shot is used when the boy is leaning over the girl as she has been pushed to the ground, this shot emphasizes the composition of characters as it represents men of a higher status compared to woman and represents them to be dominant and the ones whom are in control. Concerning camera movement, a track shot is used as the boy is running away after he has shot his girlfriend, this shot is a way of following the action, which is now a run away criminal which adheres his working class stereotype of being a criminal. A low angle shot is used as an adult enters the scene of the crime, making her seem to be much bigger tan what she is, this certain camera angle makes her bigger and therefore enforces that with more age comes a higher status. Another over the shoulder shot is used as the adult leans over the teenager, again putting the adult above the teenager and enforcing the stereotype that with more age comes higher status, this shot enforces this stereotype despite the circumstances. A tilt shot is used on the boy carrying the gun, first it shows the gun and then carries over to his face, this is very smooth and associates the crime with the character, representing him as working class due to it being one of the main stereotypes,the smooth transition indicates an issue which working class people are often associated with through stereotypes.


There is the synchronous sound of the gun going of and then hitting the plant pot which the consumers can see, this has been used to accentuate the drama, alongside the sound of the asynchronous dog barking that follows, this drama adds up and then matches to a close up of a girl looking distressed and scared, which is then followed by the speech of the boy saying 'i had to', this adheres the stereotype that those of working class are troublesome and a criminal, and that they often turn to violence. The asynchronous sounds of police sirens are used within the clip and typical connotations of sirens are danger, harm, and crime. At this point in the clip the police have caught up with the boy, this shows the police to be of a higher status and almost the good are of a higher status as opposed to the evil, within this sound it also hints that the boy now has no way put and following his stereotype as a working class person he will be going to prison for his crime.


Referring back to a previous shot I have mentioned, the over the shoulder the shot showing the boy being over the girl and the male sex having higher status over the female sex and obtain more hierarchy as opposed to the females, this is enforced more so with the use of eye line match as it shows them as a unit and knowing each other (this being enforced with the mise en scene of their costume in which they both wear gold chains and incorrect school uniform), yet the boys is still holding over the girl and almost holding her in her place, representing once again that the male sex obtains hierarchy as opposed to the female sex. Also in this clip, the use of shot reverse shots between the older lady and the student as Maxine dies provides a juxtaposition between class and status and creates binary opposites through class an status between the characters. This shot to me showed a clear difference between class and status through the use of mise en scene and their costume, for example, the young girls is wearing gold hoop earrings like her friend which seems quite common within their working class, whereas the other woman is wearing silver studs with diamonds in, this shows the different between class as it shows a visual difference and represents that those of middle class have more money to spend on luxuries whereas it is most likely that the young girls hoop earrings are fake if everyone is wearing a pair. The use of shot reverse shot also allows the audience to observe both characters feelings, both are the same which almost defies the differences between their class and status as they both feel the same towards the tragedy of the girl.


The costume between the two classes (middle and working) juxtapose each other within this clip, for example, the teaches are seen wearing smart suits which are appropriate to the environment they work in, however the working class teenagers are shown wearing shirts with the top button undone, loose ties, big earrings, short skirts and hoodies. Hoodies are always connoted to crime and gang culture, this enforces the stereotype for the working class that they are often involved in crime. Back to the juxtaposition, what I have listed shows a clear difference between the two classes and represents them to be quite diverse from each other, the working class represented to be laid back and chilled and the middle class represented to be prim and proper. The lighting as the older lady walks through the door is dark and represents a sense of danger and suspense, this foreshadows the upcoming event of Maxines wounds being fatal and her dying, this enforces the stereotype of the working class always being involved in something bad liek crime, which can become life threatening.

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