Monday 21 October 2013

Class and Status stereotypes

Class: a system of ordering society whereby people are divided into sets based on perceived social or economic status.

Status: relative social or professional position; standing.

The class system is divided into 3 different sectors, upper class, middle class and working class. Status is only divided into 2. High status and low status. 

Upper class: the social group that has the highest status in society

Middle class: the social group between the upper and working classes, including professional and business people and their families.

Working Class: the social group consisting of people who are employed for wages, especially in manual or industrial work.

High Status: a position of superior status

Low status: a position of inferior status; low in station or rank or fortune or estimation

Stereotypes of the Upper class

  • Old money
  • Educated top at university 
  • Snobby
  • Attend clubs 
  • Classical music
  • Dress in smart clothing- suits and dresses- formal wear
  • Rich
  • Owners of more than one big house
  • Expensive taste
Stereotypes of the Middle class
  • Business owners
  • "White collar workers"
  • Traditional, nuclear family
  • Attend community activities 
  • Go to church
  • Educational in 'practical' fields 
Stereotypes of the Working class
  • Low wage occupations
  • Dependent on the states funds
  • Live in rented housing
  • School dropouts
  • "Blue collar workers"
  • Live in high crime areas
  • Often in family turmoil
Stereotypes of those in High status
  • Owners of businesses
  • Live in expensive housing
  • Rude, snobbish
  • Think they have the ability to be superior to everyone else
  • Hold power
  • More important than those of lower status
Stereotypes of those in Low status
  • Work for those in higher status
  • Earn wages 
  • Bossed around by those in high status
  • Earn a significant amount less than those in higher status
  • Live in much smaller housing
  • Less capacity concerning intelligence
  • Controlled by those of higher status

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