Wednesday, 13 November 2013

Representation of Gender in Cutting It

Initial Thoughts:

Right from the beginning the woman's hand is kissed and she smiles, representing the feminine gender to be appreciative of caring acts and therefore over emotional, however the man is giving affection which is usually associated with being feminine. Feminine is represented as being over emotional again when the woman wants to talk about her relationship problems and the man just sh's her, indicating that masculine is represented to be more easy going and perhaps physical within a relationship rather than someone who is feminine in a relationship who is represented to be more emotional and moving in a relationship. The man is a bit lost for words when the woman reveals she is going to see her consultant, which we assume is about a life threatening illness, the man is shown to be lost for words which represents the masculine to be quite physical again as they are unsure of how to deal with the emotional and are not quite sure of the right answer or the right approach. The man is twiddling his wedding ring as his wife is in the hospital which represents the masculine to be a gender that hides their true feelings behind closed doors as he is did not do this in front of her, therefore not letting on how much he thinks about her in front of her, this is perhaps the masculine are stereotyped to be tough and this would crush their hard exterior. The woman is crying as the shot returns to the hospital room which is representing the feminine to be emotional and unable to hide behind close doors in comparison to the masculine. The wife is then hit by a car and the husbands first reaction isn't to cry which was the woman's first reaction when hearing bad news, instead he rushes over, presenting the masculine to be a hero and therefore the feminine need them. Only right at the end of the scene after the wife has died does the man begin to cry, this counteracts the masculine stereotype however becomes an exception because someone close to him has just died before his very eyes.

Camera Shots:

The first shot used is a medium shot, which clearly shows the woman leaning on the man, this could be representation of how the feminine lean, meaning depend on the masculine for support. The medium shot is useful in this way as we can see the husband going for his wives hand, therefore comforting her. This counteracts the idea of the female being feminine as this movement is considered to be stereo typically feminine as they are believed to be the comforting one, therefore the male is represented to have feminine attributes. (0:05)

My previous point is counteracted when there is an extreme close up shot of the wife reaching for her husbands hand, which is a comforting gesture. This is the gender of feminine being represented as the woman is emotionally supporting the man as he she has just cracked news to him that we can guess is she has just told him she knows about his previous relations. The forgiving gestures is represented to be feminine as a stereotypical feminine trait is to be a push over and overpowered by those of masculinity. (0:50)

There is a high angle shot showing the man behind the desk and the woman in front of the desk, this represents the masculine to be in power and the feminine to follow the power. This is also a representation that there is masculine dominance and that feminine people are submissive, in this case, the masculine are the talkers and the feminine are the listeners. The seating in this shot is very important for the representation of gender,  as I have explained. (2:16)

There is a long shot used which shows the males physique as he runs towards the woman who has been run over, it also displays him running. This represents the masculine gender to be the hero of the situation and quite physical, which leads to the assumption that they are quite muscly, however in this sense we cannot really tell if the masculine man is muscular. (3:38)

Editing: (doesn't represent gender but general editing in this clip)

Cuts are used at various times in this clip as it quickly shoots from one shot to another, this is common within most TV and film as it is smooth and considered to be invisible (mainly for the audience and not so much annotators), it is also a quick way to move from one shot to another and prevents wasting time and perhaps saves using a different editing tool like a fade which may not fit in with the moment of the clip and would be visible to the audience.

A fade is used right at the end of the clip when the screen fades to black after the woman dies, this signifies the end of a narrative, in this term, the end of her life as she has died. The fade is different to the cuts used and it used to show the importance of what we have just seen, which evidently was what we assume was significant character as she was one of the 2 constants within the 5 minutes, dying. This highlights the moment and allows it to stand out.

Sound Types: 

The dialogues used is important for representation as when speaking the masculine person is represented to have a stereotypical deep voice and then feminine is represented to have a stereo typically higher voice than the masculine person.

Whilst receiving news from her consultant, non diegetic sound is played, which can only be described as mood music as the song seems quite depressing, This reflects the woman's mood which represents those of a feminine gender to be emotional, as also the song is quite emotional. This is quite a stereotypical view held of those who are feminine.


The woman and man are shot standing next to each other, the masculine man is wearing dark neutral colors whereas the feminine woman is wearing a light but noticeable tan coat. This is a representation of the feminine caring what they look like and their strive to stand out, whereas the masculine blend in and therefore are not overly bothered about what they look like. The masculine man is also in a suit in comparison to the feminine woman's casual day dress, this represents the masculine to be formal and therefore perhaps quite work orientated, making them a serious personality in majority. The feminine side contrasts this as the cute little day dress represents the feminine to be quite carefree and less up tight, which is demonstrated in the formal and informal wear contrast.

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