Thursday 9 January 2014


1) What constitutes a British film? (the diff categories)

  • Cultural content: The movie is filmed in the UK, has British actors, dialogue is mainly recorded in the English language and has a British subject matter
  • Cultural Contribution: reflects the British culture
  • Cultural Hubs: Music and effects are done in the UK 
  • Cultural Practitioners: The people who worked on the movie are from the UK 

2) What are the various methods of marketing a film? (how do they?)

  • Viral videos: distribution of the trailer
  • Internet advertising: paid advertisements online 
  • Merchandising: Something used within in the film then promoting the film outside of the film
  • Trailers
  • Film posters
  • Paid advertisements in newspapers and magazines 
  • Promotional tour: actors and directors take part in interviews across the media

3)What are the different ways a film can be exhibited or consumed?

  • Cinema 
  • DVD
  • Downloaded
  • Film on television
  • Videos 
  • The internet

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