Sunday, 2 February 2014

Section B Practice

To what extent does digital distribution affect the marketing and consumption of media products in the media are you have studied? Candidates must focus on the following media areas: Film.

Digital distribution is the marketing, logistics and licensing of a film via the internet. This is said to be a lot quicker and a lot cheaper.

The consumption of film via DVD is now a lot quicker as films are screened in cinemas for shorter periods of time due to the bettering of logistics. This means that the film is sent to cinemas a lot quicker, this is because of the files being sent by a secure, locked email as opposed to be film tape being delivered. This is also a lot cheaper as the distributors save money on film tape as it is just done electronically now. So as said, The consumption of film via DVD is now a lot quicker.

Digital distribution betters the marketing of film as trailers of the upcoming film can be streamed via internet websites such as YouTube or on the television, this broadens the amount of people who see the trailer and the expands the amount who want to see it. Also, by doing this the more people who see it, the more people will use 'word of mouth' publicizing, as they will talk about it to their friends and then they may research the trailer. This increases the amount of those who consume the film, however is a form of of marketing.

Digital distribution can also air interviews held with actors and director of the movie, which also markets the film. The PR tour can be taped, uploaded to the internet and spread globally, this can create more of a buzz of the film and therefore promote it as due to the actors being in the film, a person may want to see the film based on that fact alone.

Lastly, digital distribution can market a film globally in a cheaper, more economic way. As opposed to shipping film tape all around the World, costing the companies more money, as I have said the film file can be sent to a screening via a locked file. However a negative point of digital distribution is the fact that somehow these files are able to be unlocked and hacked and the film can be uploaded illegally and watched online, this reducing the films companies profits and reducing the films hits in the box office.

Also since films have been consumed on DVDs, it is not easy to copy a film onto your computer and illegally upload it, again decreasing the films sales and hits in the ratings departments.

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