Wednesday 25 September 2013

Regional Identity in Greek Yog Ad #2

Regional Identity is what you know about a region from different aspects of the scene.

Initial thoughts:
I am aware that the advert is on yogurt due to the explanation at the end.I understood
the link between the advert and the product, the cow is the way they make the yogurt and the boy is trying to get his mum to make him the yogurt by making it seem that the cow has run away and he saves it. I thought it was quite a clever way to present an advert and I thought it was interesting to watch.

Camera shots: 
The first shot used is a medium close up shot of the young boy and I believe this is done to establish who is the main character of this advert and he is who we need to take notice of most.  This is almost a recognition of his importance and is an establishment of who he is. This also adds to the regional identity as in this shot we see that the boy is olive skin colored and therefore stereo typically not from England.

The second shot used is a close up shot of the cow which highlights the fact that this is an odd thing to see and we can quickly assume that the region in which this takes place is not England, or anywhere near a city because you do not get wild animals wandering around the streets, for starters a cow is typically a farm animal associated with the country. We can assume that even though this is set in another country this is most likely also set in the countryside making it more rural. Within just a few seconds we already have some idea about the regional identity.

There is then a close up shot of the boys face which shows his reaction to the cow, and we can assume that the cow is almost like a friend to the boy as it is almost as if the cow had replied and the boys answer is being filmed, we can guess that the cow is most likely pet, which again adds to the regional identity of us knowing this is not set in England as the typical pet in England is a dog or cat, definitely not a cow. This also adds to the regional identity as now we think of the cow as a friend we can assume that this area is quite deserted with not a lot to do, if the boy has to make friends with a cow it must be lacking technology and other children his age.

An establishing shot is then used which sets the scene more profoundly for us because within the establishing shot we can see the sort of place the boy is living in, the area is deserted and the area is surrounded by foliage (in relation to mise en scene), this establishment also lets us get to know the character better because we now know that he is not from the region of England as it seems he is from a laid back area as he is permitted to walk around, alone, carelessly.

Seconds after another establishing shot is used when the boy is running back to what we can presume is his home, this gives us a wider view of the setting and we are reassured once again that the region is clearly abroad due to how rural the area looks, we also are lead to think that this is set back a good few years ago because of the way it looks so olden, we are only reassured it is our time period towards the end of the advert when the phone rings. This shot is used to just show more of the area in which the advert takes place. 

An over the shoulder shot is then used when the boy is addressing someone, due to the fact that the person is positioned higher than the boy we can assume it is someone older than him and more respected within society, it is most likely a parent as he has ran to see them in urgency. The shot is a clear indication of a conversation which is starting, we can assume also that the boy is going to inform the person we suspect to be his mother about the cow he has let loose, or possibly he is going to lie about it as he is a child and doesn't want to get in trouble.

A master shot is used when we see the boy, the butcher and the cow. This is used to fit everybody in the shot and to show that this is where the action is going to happen, however this is contradicted when the butcher just lets the boy take the cow back, this emphasizes how laid back the area is. By also showing the butcher we can tell again that the region is old fashioned as the butches is going to slaughter a live cow rather than use machinery like more developed countries would.

Lastly, and extreme close up shot is used when the yogurt is shown which highlights the product of sale and the actual point of the advert overall. This is to make it very obvious for the audience, all adverts do this.

Sound Types:
One sound type is the use of non diegetic music played throughout, this music helps set the scene even more as we are now led to believe that the advert is set in Greece because of the use of typical Grecian music, we are also backed up on this suspicion because the yogurt is Greek and it makes sense to have the advert set in Greece. Which is the regional identity made clear to us, we are now aware of where this advert is set.

The dialogue used could be seen as diegetic and synchronous as it is naturally used in the scene and we also see it happen. The dialogue is also helpful in the way it sets the scene and contributes to regional identity because the dialogue used is foreign speech and as English viewers we obviously don't understand, which reassures us it is not set in England and in fact, Greece.

The phone ringing at the is synchronous as the woman (who we now know is a mother) picks it up and we see her, the phone is vital to this scene because it tells us that it is set in today's time, which contradicts what we are led to believe, but this is the advertisers way of saying times have changed but the simple things are the same, which warms an audience. This is the correct way to make an advert as it makes the audience have a certain emotion.

The people within the clip have olive skin which suggests again that they are not from England, and in fact are Mediterranean. The characters are also wearing simple working clothes, there is a lack of business wear or designer clothes which tells us as viewers that the region in which they live are not materialistic, it emphasizes how simplistic their life is. This is a very big difference from England because in England it is obvious that we are always in a rush and are always living life in a fast and busy pace. Also, looking at the clothes you can tell that the region is hot because there is a lack of major clothing and this advert is showing a typical day in what we can guess is Greece, if they were to be showing a typical day in England it is more likely they would show rain as it is stereotypical English weather and it is almost always represented as that.

We can also guess that the region is quite old fashioned due to their way of life. Firstly the mother is shown inside at the window and we assume she is alone as her husband has gone off to work, we also see later that she brings her son food. This is a mother taking on the expressive leader role and working as a homemaker, which is considered to be an old fashioned way of life now due to women being in the working world just like men in today's world. We are also reassured that the region is old fashioned because there is a washing line hanging from one house to another casually and an old woman is seen beating her washing, this is old fashioned because in today's world we would just use a tumble dryer as we believe it is quicker, this also links back to the fact that the region lives a laid back and simple life. Lastly we see the butcher sharpening knives, rather than being in England where we would use machinery.

We know again that the region is laid back when the boy retrieves his cow from the butcher, the butcher just lets the boy take him where as if you were in a place like England the butcher would have claimed his possession and not have cared for the boy at all. A man is seen travelling through the street on a donkey, very slowly and the rest of the street is deserted, this adds to the point of how laid back the region is, no one is ever in a rush. Lastly, throughout the majority of the clip the boy is seen wandering on his own, evidently in England it would be absurd to let a child walk around on their own, therefore we know in this region that there is no need to have a care in the world and that everyone is very laid back and unworried.

Overall, the clip represents throughout the clip that the region in which the advert is set in is clearly Greece due to the help of camera shots, sound types and mise-en-scene.

Tuesday 24 September 2013

Conventions in TV Dramas presentation

Homework notes- re do it

  1. Put in essay form
  2. Embed the clip first
  3. Say what regional identity is
  4. Produce an initial thoughts
  5. use screen shots
  6. Camera shots- establishing shots show the rural area, show that it is clearly not an english country
  7. Sound- greek music, foreign language dialogue, phone shows it is in this time in comparison to us thinking it is not due to the simplicity
  8. Mise en scene- everything that is in the shot that backs up the simplicity of life and shows we are not in the UK, the washing line, the butcher, the mother being in the expressive role and being a home maker, the lack of special clothing unlike england, the slowness of the man on the donkey, the lack of care for where the child is as there is no worry
  9. overall conclusion of how the video shows regional identity. 
Olive skin shows that he is Mediterranean, we can suggest Grecian due to the music that backs it up. 

The boy is alone in an open area, which shows it is a simple laid back life without care as you couldn't have this in England due to the many fears a mother has, here we know it is safe. 

We know this is a mother due to the fact that she is inside and nto

Monday 23 September 2013

Representation of Regional Identity in Total Greek Yogurt ad

Camera Shots

  • Medium close up shot of the boy: establishes who he is at the very beginning and recognizes his importance.
  • Close up of the cow: Highlights the randomness, emphasizes the fact its a cow as it is not the normal thing to see. 
  •  Close up shot of boys face: Shows his reaction to the randomness of the cow. 
  • Establishing shot: shows the cow, boy and area in which they are, makes the scene seem more realistic as we realize this is not a typical place. This also brings the representation of a typical foreign country.
  • Extreme close up of the yogurt: shows the reason for advert, highlights the product of sale. 

Sound Types

  • Non diegetic music played throughout: Sets the scene, we can assume its set in spain as typical spanish string instruments are used, which is a typical representation of Spain.
  • Synchronous: the bell, we see the bell being rung on screen and hear it also.
  • Diegetic: We hear the knives being sharpened on screen, this makes the scene more realistic.
  • Synchronous: We hear the phone ring firstly, but then we see it when she picks it up. 
  • Speech: It is in a different language with a different tone which assures us that it is set in a foreign country.
Mise-en-scene: In links with the Regional Identity

  • The roads are dusty which is more associated with a foreign country as you dont tend to get dusty roads, we are mostly partial to country sides or proper roads. Dusty roads are usually associated with hot countries.
  • There are hills in the background which suggest it is in a more rural setting rather than a busy area.
  • There is a cow surrounded by long grass which again suggests that they are in a rural area rather than a city where consumers live, not providers. 
  • The buildings of houses are made out of stone which tell us that is no way a new, modern area. 
  • The characters are in old, tatted, work clothes, showing that they are most likely to hard labor. There is also not very heavy clothing which tells us it is most likely hot, which isnt normally associated with England, but countries abroad such as Spain. 
  • All the people in the clip obtain a typical Spanish tan, rather than the multiculturalism of England. 

Tuesday 17 September 2013


Editing in the Doc Martin clip

Types of editing

Cuts: No transition, just cutting from one shot to another.

Eye Line Match: To look at what a character is looking at or to see who is talking and what the focus is on.

Action Match: When one bit of action is followed by another bit of action.

The Clip

Within the clip there is mainly straight forward cuts used, this shows the stress that doc is feeling as it can speed up the pace of a clip and the quickness illustrates stress and how the movement has to be fast pace, especially when the sink breaks.

When someone is speaking a lot of eye line shots are used as they show us who is involved in a conversation and who is focusing on who talking.

Like here, we can assume that the country worker is explaining something to Doc as previously Doc was stressing over the sink breaking. 

There are also 2 eye line matches with the dog. once when Doc is deciding what to do with him, anda gain when the he arrives at the police station when Doc has dropped him off. This shows that the focus is now on the dog and he is the most important issue in the room at that time. 

An action match is used when Doc is going into the police station. Firstly we see him turn the door handle, and then the shot is followed by him walking into the police station, this just makes it more realistic as if we didn't see him walk through we would wonder why we didnt. It makes the scene flow better. 

We again know the clip takes place in a laid back quiet area because we find the police offer hoovering, meaning he has nothing else to do as there is no crime which makes it have a laid back vibe. We again learn that it is a laid back area when Doc creates a prescription in the street, this lets us know that there is no real trouble ver where this programme takes place. 

We know that the show is in an old village in the country because the old school shown near the end is old, unlike a school in a town which is usually modernised. We also know its a village because of the lack of cars shown on the street, this is very unlike a town as it shows that the place is not busy. 

Regional Identity on Doc Martin clip

Regional Identity is what you know about a region from different aspects of the scene.

Firstly there was an evident difference in the accents, there were 3 people in the room at the beginning which held a country accent and then there was Doc who had a formal town accent. The amount of country accents overruled the formal accent therefore we can tell the scene is set in the country. 

The two country men in the scene when the sink breaks are wearing worker uniforms even though one of them isn't really working, in fact he is laid back which tells us again that we are in the country because in the town everything is panicked. This is reinforced again when the sink breaks and Doc gets stressed where as one of the workers leans back and continues to eat as if it doesn't matter.

The clothing also tells me that the country people are always at work all over, unlike towns people like Doc who wear a suit who are typically associated with a 9-5 job, country people tend to work on their own accord, again in a laid back manner.

When taking the dog to the police station the Doc walks down a small closed in street with cobbled buildings/shops. This reassures us that the programme is set in the country because in a town you are likely to get both large wide spread roads where shops are built, and usually glass modernised shops. This is a typical scenery for a country area.

Outside the shops right beside them fishing nets are sold, such things are only sold really at the seaside, this lets us know that the programme is also set beside the sea.

Adding to this we can also tell this is set at the seaside because you can hear the seagulls and see a breeze, which is evident that sea is nearby and we were reassured of this previously from the fishing nets. 

Monday 16 September 2013

Breaking Bad textual analysis (homework)

Shot Types

  • The crystal meth at the beginning- This was an extreme close up, I believe they did this to highlight the subject at the start of the clip, drugs. This also tells us what the basis of the clip is going to be about as it also quite a large subject. 
  • The room- This is a master shot and this shows us where the limit of action will occur, we are aware anything that is going to happen is going to happen in that room. 
  • Walt (The bald guy)- This is  medium shot of his body, you can see the room in the background and this makes us aware he has fully entered and that the action is likely to happen soon as the main character is there. 
  • Tuco (The main drug dealer)- There is a close up of his face, this shows the concentration he holds whilst inspecting the drugs, it also elaborates the importance of the drugs to him and makes it aware to the audience that he obviously has a large involvement with them. 
  • Tuco- An over the shoulder shot is taken when Tuco holds a conversation with Walt, this is the common way to film a conversation, and shows who is the conversation is being held with. 
  • Walt- A following over the shoulder shot is used, this is again the common way to film a conversation but this also shows the emotion of the character that is speaking, in this case we see Walt displays fearlessness and therefore get the feel that Walt is a brave character. This shot is used again Tuco is replying, his emotion bares disbelief, in which we assume he treats life as a joke due to him laughing. 
  • Walt- There is then a close up of Walt's face which again displays his emotion and shows his seriousness, which lets us know this scene is serious and something serious is bound to happen very shortly. 
  • All the people in the room- This is an extreme long shot as it shows us how many people are in the room, this also lets us know we are right before the action as it is making it very evident of the amount of people in the room. 
  • The building being blown up- This is an establishing shot as it established the where the deal was being exchanged and where everything had happened, it also emphasizes the damage made by a small rock, which can shock an audience.
  • Walt- A medium close up is used. This shows him and the damage behind him, this tells the audience that he, the least threatening looking person in the room has caused the explosion. This can again shock the audience. 
  • Walt- An extreme close up is used showing blood beneath his nose which creates a cause for concern and it shows his facial expression of relief as he handles the money which tells us why he has done the things he has done. 
  • The car driving away- An establishing shot is used which is used to create a smooth transition as the car disappears but we still have something to look at. This also tells the audience that the episode is more than likely to be ending. 

Sound Types

  • Hip hop music being played in the background- This is diegetic as I think it is being played on a radio as after the explosion the music stops as if it is no longer functioning. The use of this music tells us what kind of stereotype the drug dealer is, he is quite street orientated and a typical drug dealer we are lead to believe looks like by the media. 
  • Rustling of the bag which contains meth- This is synchronous and I believe its used because it just makes the situation more realistic, if the bag wasn't to rustle it would be an action and scene very hard to believe. 
  • The whooshing of the rock as it is thrown- This sound is non diegetic as it is a special effect, its used because it suited with the rock as the movement slowed down and it emphasized the movement by making it evident that this small rock was going to create a large impact. 
  • The explosion- This sound is synchronous as we watch the explosion take place at the exact time we hear it. 
  • Cars being hit- This sound is asynchronous, we know this because we can hear car alarms going off but cannot see them being hit, but it is obvious they are being hit as an explosion has just happened right next to them. 
  • Long note- This is a non diegetic sound as it is mood music. The mood it creates makes us suspicious whether anyone is hurt as the note is prolonged. 
  • Police sirens- This is asynchronous as we cannot see them. However it tells us that it is possibly a small area where this has occurred or a troublesome area as we hear the sirens very shortly after, meaning its being immediately looked into.
  • Rustling of money- This is a synchronous sound and it emphasizes the amount Walt has as we hear it all rub together. 

Mise en scene

Within this part we can assume that the scene is taking place in a risky area as a drug is being held by a knife, being held by a man with a furrowed brow. We also assume this man isn't a very good man as he is heavily concentrating on the drugs showing it is what he deeply cares about

Within this part we can see that this is most likely a working area and not a legit one at that as it looks like a desk has just been forced into a room to make things seem more business than they actually are. The room is quite bare and doesn't contain any typical household items, so we are assured that it is most likely to be a make shift office. The area is dingy and tainted which reflects that the business within the office could be quite tainted. There are boxes in the room also and nothing seems to have a place which gives off the vibe that the working area is quite laid back. 

Within this part we can tell that this man is quite rough as we watch him put out a cigarette on his tongue, almost as if he is trying to make a point that he is the 'tough' one. We also learn that he is probably the reason for the issue that is about to arise and that he is not someone likely to be messed with. 

Here we can be reassured that the 'office' wasn't legit and that the business wasn't as we can see the building was previously abandoned and is only used for most likely illegal business. We can assume the business is illegal because an explosion is taking place, which makes us think that someone wants revenge and obviously has succeeded in trying to obtain it. The graffiti on the side of the building makes us think that the people who gain the most use out of the building are street orientated and quite careless. 

This shot shows that nobody is rushing in the background, meaning there is a state of normality and these people are used to things such as explosions, or just common violence. This tells us that the area is actually very rough and not a place you would typically choose to live. We can see from the clothing of the people in the background that the place could be quite urban and money orientated as they are more bothered about what they are wearing than where they hang around or work. We can tell that these garments have most likely been a product of dirty money. 

Thursday 12 September 2013

Homework- 12th September

Select a five minute approx clip of a tv drama from youtube and do a textual analysis using shot types, sound and mise-en-scènce. Include the video at the start of the clip and include images through the analysis.

Mise-en-scène of Doc Martin

Mise-en-scène: Everything that is in a scene.

From everything shown within the clip we can tell that it is based in a village for various reasons. There are multiple buildings which look old due to looking like they have been built with old materials such as stones and old coloured bricks, these buildings are placed on narrow streets. In comparison to city life, everyone in the scene was laid pack and taking their time to walk around and admire a view, whereas in a city people bustle around and rush. Not only this, but there were no cars in movement in the day, which never happens in a city, this is how we know it is a village which is calm and quite rural. To support the fact that the area is rural, the rooms are dark and the doors are quite small, this shows that the area isnt modern, which tells us again that it is an old fashioned village.

We know that the village is also easy going, a lady approached Doc on the street and we saw him get out paper and take something down, being a doctor, we can only assume that he was writing her a prescription, this also shows trust within a community. Secondly, when Doc goes into the police station the policeman is hoovering which tells us that the police officer has nothing better to do which means there is no crime.

In the opening scene the room is quite bare apart from boxes that are scattered around, this tells us that possibly someone has only just moved. We are then supported of this when Doc Martin walks in wearing a suit whilst everyone else in jumpsuits, this shows us that he doesnt quite fit in and that he is of higher social status. Another person that doesnt fit in is the receptionist who doesnt follow the stereotypical looks of a receptionist, she has punk hair and is wearing a smiley face t-shirt which tells us she is young, this lets us know that the relationship between her and Doc Martin is bound to be comedic.

We can also tell the area is by the sea as there are hills in the background and an evident breeze, which is common when by the scene in typical country England.

Shot types in Doc Martin

At the beginning a master shot is used which shows where the action will take place, in this case the action was the sink breaking. In this shot it also established the characters order of status. Doc Martin was standing up indicating he is the highest status in the room, then there was a dad in the middle of the order being ranked middle because he was a father, an important pillar to society. Lastly was the son of the dad who was below the dad, being the bottom of the order of status. The next shot was a close up of the dad, this was purely to highlight the fact that he was speaking. You can see within all of the clip also that a persons eyes will always follow who is speaking, which indicates who you should have main focus on. The next shot used was a reverse shot which was to show another conversation within the room between 2 people, the punk looking girl and another boy within the room. Next in the scene the son stands up as he makes an intellectual comment against the father, this shows that the ranking has now changed and that in fact the son is now more important than the father. Another master shot is used when the sink actually breaks and this just establishes the action. As Doc takes the dog to a police station the camera follows him on his short journey that is shown, however it is an establishing shot used, this let us know that he is in a small village. Sound is helpful in this scene as the sound of seagulls also establishes that the scene is by the sea. When leaving the police station a woman approaches Doc and an extreme long shot is used which establishes where the conversation will take place. The extreme long shot also again establishes the area in which they are. Close ups are used as Doc Martin realises he knows someone and the person also realises they know him, this makes the relationship seem significant and shows emotion. This is then reinforced with dialogue later on.

Second thoughts on Doc Martin clip

With the second viewing of the clip I took more note on the shots used. Close ups were used multiple times. For example on the first close up I noticed Doc Martin seemed stressed due to the breakage of the tap, the close up seemed to emphasis his facial expression, which was stress. The second close up I realised was shock or sadness, again the close up to me emphasised his facial expression, or even made it more evident. The evidence of his facial expression helps determine the situation more which was that he was longing for someone in my opinion as he stared at a woman. The show also used an establishing shot when Doc Martin was walking past what seemed to be a church, this helped establish where he was. As I believe this is an episode where her arrives, I think the shot established the town where he had moved to, which gives viewers more of a feel of where he has moved to and what kind of place he has moved to. In my perspective he seems he has moved to a communal little village. The speech was also very establishing of the fact he had just moved as it seemed to be a lot of forward intorductions. I think the makers did this purposely to make it known that he had just moved.

Initial thoughts on Doc Martin clip

I thought the clip didnt specifically have a storyline at the part we watched, which indicated it was early on in the episode. The clip contained humour appropriate for day time TV, and seemed to be appropriate for the audience of adults rather than teenagers as it didnt contain parts that were interesting for teenagers, or parts that would lead up to interest teenagers. The characters were all of an older age group (excluding a punk character who you can tell is placed in the show for comedic purposes) which also adds to the thought that the target audience is not teenagers as the age seemed specific  like it wanted to reflect the age of people who should be watching it. From the clip I learned that the series follows a doctor. From previous knowledge I know the genre is drama, however I learnt that the genre is also comedy, this widens the target audience and gains the show more viewers. The setting of the show is very establishing as it seems like an old country town, which is quite dingy.

Sounds in Doc Martin clip

There is a difference within sound, being diegetic and non diegetic.

Diegetic: A sound that occurs naturally on or off screen.

Non Diegetic: A sound that doesnt naturally occur. This can be things such as mood music, a narrator or sound effects.

Firstly the phone rings at the beginning of the beginning of the clip, I believe they did this not only because it happened in the clip but I believe they did this action to add more hysteria to the clip. When the sink breaks in also makes a diegetic sound, this exaggerates the fact that the sink has broke and makes it very evident to the audience. The dog barks, and firstly we cannot see him on screen but as the scene continues the dog walks in whilst barking, this makes the dogs entry a smooth transition as we know he is there firstly but cannot see him until he walks in. The hoover in the police station also demonstrates a smooth transition as again we hear it before we see it and then when we do see it, it is expected. Lastly, we hear the woman in the school/church cutting the paper, thus just adds to the scene by telling us what she is doing before seeing Doc Martin.

Non Diegetic
The first sound we hear within the clip is a non diegetic sound, it is when Doc Martin first walks in. I believe they did this because it was the beginning of the moment and just illustrates that you have not missed anything within that scene. When walking into the village non diegetic sound is used again, the sound is upbeat an I believe it is used for ironic, comedic purposes as the music is the complete opposite  to the mood of Doc Martin who is annoyed at the state of his surgery and the fact he has to walk to a village to drop a dog off. When Doc Martin see's the dog before handing it in, tense music is played, this is used so we can assume that something bad will happen to the dog, which we are soon assured by, because he hands the dog into the police. Tense music is played again when Doc's eyes meet with the woman in the school/church, this gives us the idea that there is possibly a tense past, I would class this as mood music as the sound reflects the mood, tension.

There are now 2 more differences within sounds I have been introduced to, synchronous and asynchronous.

Synchronous: When a sound occurs from what is on screen.

Asynchronous: When a sound occurs off screen.

The sink demonstrates the first synchronous sound, we both hear the water spurting out but also see the water coming out. This is both visual and audio working together. We also see the dog when it barks, not firstly which some would say could make it asynchronous, but as it does actually come on screen (in a smooth transition), it makes it synchronous.

The seagulls are not seen on screen but as we can hear them this sets the scene and lets the audience know they are by the sea. We can also hear the sea very vaguely but again cant see it, this is just the makers way of setting the scene. Lastly we hear phones ringing but do not see them, this is just for effect as it is a natural thing you hear when you are out.