Monday 3 March 2014

Hotel Babylon homework

The first shot shown is a long shot which shows a black man in a suit working, waiting on white people who are relaxing in what I am assume to be a spa or resort. This represents their to be a difference in hierarchy within ethnicity in this clip, the white people are above the black people and the black people are there to work for the white people.

An over the shoulder shot is then shown when a black man gets out of the pool and this juxtaposes the situation already, the working black man is shown to be startled by a fellow black man relaing in this predominantly white setting. In this shot we can see the difference in the two black men, the one that has just got out of the pool has tattoos and dread locks, a stereotypical image of how black people are represented, therefore the suited black man juxtaposes and denies this stereotype. The fact that the 2 black people seem to know each other assumes that everyone within this ethnic background knows each other and they live with in a tight circle with each other. The audience is informed the two know each other through the use of their conversation when they refer back to old times. The word 'ganja' is used which is Jamaican term which suggests that both men are from a Jamaican ethnic background, it also represents a stereotype on black people to be living in a rough way and involved in drug culture. (00:20)

There is a reverse over the shoulder shot of the 2 french cleaners stripping for the Chinese man, prior to this there is a close up shot of the money on the table, there is an instant link between these shots and realize the french women have been represented to be desperate for money. This action is also represented to be okay and normal as the older maid seems as if she is used to this, however the young maid seems unsure about the action. A master shot shows the older maid to be walking to the door to shut it, whilst the other maid is standing twiddling her fingers, representing her to be feeling awkward with the situation. The Chinese man turns on music as if he is used to this situation also. The older french maid encourages the younger maid, a close up of the younger maids face is used, showing her to be awkward once again. This juxtaposes against the initial stereotyped represented at the beginning of the scene. (1:25)

The accents in this clip are very important as they represent the different ethnicity's, both black men juxtapose against each other as the black man in a suit speaks in a posh accent which is against his stereotype, however the other black man speaks in a less posh accent and uses colloquial words such as 'blood' which is the representation of a black person conforming to their stereotype.

Cuts are mainly used in this clip to maintain continuity. The editing between the shot reverse shots allows us to see the opposites of the two black men and the one which conforms to his stereotype (Tel) and the one who denies his stereotype (Ben), the editing allows us to see a visual difference, Tel has dreadlocks whereas Ben has a short smart haircut prepared for work. However this editing also allows the audience to see a similarity of an earring which suggests that everyone of a black race is stereotyped to have this as within this clip these 2 men are representing the black community.

Eye line matches are also used within this clip, a key one I noticed is when the white female is looking down on the italian chef, although this is not meant in a racist way, this represents white people to be the dominant ethnicity over any other.

The money on the bed when the chinese man is paying for the women to strip represents chinese men to be quite rich in that region, the women who accept the offer to strip for money represents that they are desperate and suggest that perhaps they come from a poor background in France. Also, the chef in the kitchen is italian which conforms to the stereotype that all italians are good cooks as when people think of italy they think of food.

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