Monday 31 March 2014

Disability and Ability homework


An aerial shot is the first shot used which shows a clear division in the room which is being shared, one side of the room is very child like with bright colors whilst the other contains dull browns. The messy, cluttered side juxtaposes against the neat, average side, with this shot it the disabled and the able are represented to be different to one another. A close up of the down syndrome boy is used which explains to the audience that he is disabled, this also juxtaposes against the previous pan of the able boy, this is then representing them to be clearly different in the clip. An extreme close up shot is used of the down syndromes boys face, again emphasizing his disability and sending the message of his disability to the audience. Due to the use of the extreme close up and his facial features being highlighted within this clip, this clip is representing those who are disabled to be different to everyone else and not to receive the same treatment which everyone else does. An extreme close up is used again as the mother kisses the disabled sons head which highlights her affection for him, this is the aftermath of a slight argument between brothers and the disabled boy has got away with it, this again represents ability and disability to be different and that those who are disabled get special treatment and are almost babied on. A long shot is used which shows the able person walking in front and the disabled boy following which represents a leader and a follower, which then follows the stereotype that those who are disabled constantly need care all the time, this is enforced prior in the clip when the dad tells the able boy to help his disabled brother on the toilet.


There is narration as a voice over used in the entirety of this clip, the use of this narration tells the story from the able bodied brothers perspective, his clear speech allows us to know from the beginning that he is without a disability and this then represents both the ability and disability to be different. This sound generates the narrative. Non diegetic is used in accompaniment with the able boys narration, this music acts as mood music and helps set the scene of possible mischief and an idea which is brewing, the music is light and does not regard suspense, however it seems to accompany his thought track perfectly.


Eyeline matches are used within the clip to show what each of the characters are looking at, the able body boy looks down on his brother suggesting he has to look over him and representing that disabled people need to be watched over and cared for. Montage shots are used when the able body brother is describing his thoughts through the use of both picture and narration. This emphasises the mind of an able body person and represents it to be quite complex and well illustrated this juxtaposes against the shot of the disabled person sleeping.


Towards the ending there is a school setting in which all of the characters are able bodies, this makes the disabled boy stand out and this represents them to be different amongst everyone else. However the key setting for mise en scene is the room right at the beginning of the clip in which the brothers are sharing a room and it is almost separated in a juxtaposing divide down the middle. the able boys side of the room is filled with posters of bands in quite dark colours, representing him to act his normal teenage age and be quite moody. The disabled boys side of the room is very colourful and filled with bright pictures and toys, this represents those who are disabled to be quite child like and this setting almost suggests that they are like a child in the care that they need.

Overall I think that the able bodies and the disabled bodies are represented to have a clear divide in difference, and this difference is emphasised. Also disabled people are represented to be quite childlike and dependant.

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